ADN Program Information

Program Mission

The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program supports the mission and goals of the college. The ADN program is designed to provide educational opportunities to qualified students for a career as registered nurses, thereby helping to meet the expanding healthcare needs of the community. Our goal is to prepare individuals to give client care in beginning staff level positions as providers of care, managers of care, and members within the discipline of nursing and interdisciplinary team.

Program Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Assume the role of the RN in providing client centered care by developing and integrating an individualized plan of care using evidence-based research ensuring care is age and culturally appropriate, based on needs, preferences, and values.
  2. Practice nursing within legal and regulatory guidelines while demonstrating a moral compass of ethical characteristics as well as responsibility for lifelong learning to advance professional growth and responsible behavior.
  3. Utilize data to enhance safe nursing practice that promotes and maintains a safe healthcare environment for self, clients across the lifespan, and other healthcare providers.
  4. Demonstrate appropriate clinical decision-making skills, including clinical reasoning, differential diagnosis, reflective practice, and self-reflection/assessment.
  5. Communicate effectively with clients across the lifespan and with members of the interdisciplinary health care team valuing cultural and personal diversity using written, verbal, and nonverbal modalities.
  6. Function as a productive member of the interdisciplinary health care team to ensure continuity of client care and leadership that directs others to achieve optimal client outcomes.
  7. Utilize advanced communication technologies to gather, interpret, summarize, and deliver health data in order to provide safe, quality centered care.

Transfer Policy


Acceptance of transfer credit to the Associate Degree Nursing Division (ADN) is determined on an individual basis and transfer policy. Transfer students applying for admission to the ADN Division must apply to the college, be accepted and meet Southwest Mississippi Community College’s (SMCC) transfer policy (see SMCC Catalog). Any student seeking transfer from another nursing program must meet the same criteria as the ADN admissions. Transfer application deadline is the same as for regular admissions (March 1st for Fall semester and October 1st for Spring semester).

The ADN Academic and Admissions Committee examines proposed transfer credits for uniformity with the required ADN curriculum courses. Transferable college credits must be similar in content and in theory/laboratory credit hours to those of the ADN curriculum (see SMCC Catalog).

Previous nursing courses, if equivalent in content and in theory/laboratory credit hours to NUR 1109, may be considered for transfer. No credit will be considered for nursing coursework completed more than two years prior to the student’s application for admission. Any student with a failure in a nursing course is not eligible for transfer.

Equivalent nursing courses must be completed successfully at the transferring institution to be considered for transfer credit. An LPN who has taken and failed Fundamentals of Nursing at another college is not eligible to apply to the LPN to RN Transition program.


  1. Meet the admission and acceptance criteria for SMCC;
  2. Meet the admission and acceptance criteria for the ADN Division;
  3. Provide the following documentation for review by the SMCC, Associate Degree Nursing Division, Academic and Admissions Committee, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS, 39666:
    1. Letter requesting transfer
    2. Transcript copies of all college work
    3. Catalog(s) from colleges at which course(s) were taken
    4. Syllabi and any extra course materials
    5. Letter of recommendation from the director of previously attended nursing program regarding eligibility for return to that nursing program (Student must be in good standing and eligible to return to that program).

The Academic and Admissions Committee will notify the student in writing the decision regarding transfer.

Test of Essential Academic Skills


All students making application for admission to the Southwest Mississippi Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program (SMCC ADN) must take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) prior to application deadline as part of the admission process. The SMCC Proctor Center will offer the TEAS test. There are limited seats available for each date so it is recommended students register early. For students who cannot come to the SMCC campus, they can schedule to take the TEAS at a PSI Testing Center.

Applicants are restricted to 3 attempts at taking the TEAS per 12-month span, starting from when the applicant takes the first TEAS exam and the accepted TEAS score must be within 2 years of application deadline. Any TEAS scores submitted outside these guidelines will be invalid.

  • TEAS Testing Dates
  • To register for TEAS testing at SMCC, go to and scroll down on the right side of the page to click on “Register for TEAS.” You will need to bring a photo ID.
  • To register for TEAS testing at a PSI Test Center, go to and scroll down on the right side of the page and click on “Register for TEAS with PSI.”


What is the TEAS Test?

TEAS is comprised of 170 questions set up in a multiple-choice format with four-option answers. Questions are designed to tests the basic academic skills you will need to perform in class in the areas of Reading, Mathematics, Science, English and Language usage.

Why do I need to take the TEAS Test?

The TEAS test was developed by the Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) specifically for nursing programs to measure essential skills that are the foundation for nursing programs. The test identifies entry level skills deemed important by a panel of nursing program curriculum experts. The student has an opportunity to take steps to improve academic skills if needed before applying to nursing school.

What should I score in order to be considered academically ready?

A score of 60% or greater in each of these areas is recommended. The higher the score, the greater amount of admission criteria points awarded.

If I score greater than 60% in all 4 subjects, does that guarantee I will get in the program?

No, the TEAS test is just one part of the admission criteria.

When should I take the TEAS?

The TEAS test should be taken prior to submitting the nursing application. The applicant is responsible for printing the scores and attaching to the application.

How many times can I take the TEAS?

The TEAS can be taken 3 times per calendar year. To retake the TEAS test, the student will need to repeat the scheduling process. Students are responsible for attaching the TEAS score they want reviewed for admission to their ADN application.

How should I prepare for the TEAS test?

ATI ( or 1.800.667.7531) has an online store that offers a study package or just online practice tests that you can purchase with a credit or debit card.

Do I have to take the TEAS at SMCC?

TEAS score do not have to be taken at SMCC. You will need to print your TEAS score and submit it with your application.

I've registered for the TEAS test, what do I need to know about the testing day?

On the day of the test:

  1. Bring a valid picture ID in order to be allowed to test.
  2. Arrive at testing site 15 minutes before test is scheduled to begin. Students will not be allowed to enter once the test has started.
  3. Students will see their test results before they leave the test.
  4. Calculators are not permitted for use during the test.
  5. Paper and pencils will be provided and collected at the completion of the test.
  6. Electronic devices are prohibited during the test.
  7. The use of study guide material is prohibited during the test.
  8. When necessary, test dates are subject to change due to bad weather, power outages, or other emergencies. SMCC ADN reserves the right to cancel or reschedule testing days in these situations. In the event of cancelled or rescheduled dates, registration will be honored.
  9. The test takes up to 3 ½ hours.
What should I do if there is bad weather, ice storm, disaster, etc. occurring on the day I’m scheduled for TEAS?

As part of the ATI registration process, you will be required to enter a phone number and email address. The faculty at the SMCC ADN Program will have this information and will make every effort to call the number you’ve listed, as well as, sending you an email telling you the plans for the testing day. The faculty will alert you as soon as the SMCC Administration announces a decision regarding opening or closing the campus for classes and testing.


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