Southwest Mississippi Community College provides academic, career, and continuing education, meeting the diverse needs of the population at a reasonable cost.
Our faculty and staff are prepared to guide you through your academic journey. Our academic students transfer to universities and perform at least as well as those students who started at the university.
We have several active honor societies on campus that are sponsored by faculty. Our career and technical graduates are at work in the community and throughout the nation. Our faculty teach more than faculty at other campuses, so that helps keep class size and costs low for the students.
So if you are interested in making a positive change for your life, come see us. We will help you determine what program will work best for you, academic transfer, technical, or career. Southwest is your best next step!
Academic Affairs
Our goal at Southwest is for you to leave Southwest better than you were when you came. Most would immediately think about the knowledge and skills learned in classes, and we have educated and caring faculty who work hard trying to share some of that knowledge with the students.
Increased knowledge is just the beginning of what you can obtain on our campus. Friendships that can last a lifetime can start on this campus. Leadership skills can be enhanced from experiences on the campus.
Maturity, responsibility, and a sense of community are additional skills available through the Southwest college experience. And you can start a life of making wise financial decisions here, because you are getting a great education while not spending as much of your or your parents’ money.
You can get an associate’s degree and leave our college without educational loan debt!
Matt Calhoun
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Director of Institutional Research and Effectiveness
Distance Learning
Southwest Mississippi Community College participates in the Mississippi Virtual Community College, a consortium of our fifteen Mississippi community colleges. Through this consortium, we are able to offer our students additional course options.
To schedule an online class, you must first complete the admissions process. Once the admissions process is complete, you may contact your advisor for assistance in selecting classes.
Most SMCC courses are ebook-only courses and require a Cengage Unlimited subscription, which is included in your tuition if you are an SMCC student. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain textbooks for online classes that are taught by another community college. The information describing the textbook can be found on your Student Profile.
Make sure that you login to your course the first week of classes, even if you do not have your textbook yet. Instructors will drop students for non-attendance. You will be required to take at least one proctored test for each online class.
Proctored Exams
- The lab is in Kenna Hall, room 211, on the top floor.
- Please complete the Proctoring link on the left navigation within each of your online classes in Canvas at least 24 hours in advance to schedule your exam.
- You will need to bring a photo ID.
- Any forms or emails submitted to the Test Proctors after the testing hours for the day have ended will not be answered until the next day.
For more information, please contact Jude O’Rourke at 601-276-5852 or jorourke@smcc.edu
8:30am – 3:00pm
1:00pm – 6:00pm
8:30am – 12:00pm
ALLOW YOURSELF PLENTY OF TIME. We must close at these times whether students are finished testing or not.