Energy Operations Processes Technology

About the Program

CIP 15.0903

Graduates in Energy Operations Processes Technology will receive a two-year degree and are prepared for entry-level positions at any processing facility. They will have acquired the basic technical skills in equipment and systems and have a broadened vocabulary to make the job-specific learning less difficult. They will also learn team-building skills, safety awareness, environmental awareness, communication skills, and computer skills that are critical in the workplace. They will have a working knowledge of state and federal regulations on safety and the environment.

An Associate of Applied Science degree can be obtained after successful completion of two years.

0 %
0 %
AAS Degree
Basic Production (J. Schneider & Associates, LLC)
T2 (J. Schneider & Associates, LLC)
Safe Land Safe Gulf

Admission Requirements

Priority given to applicants with ACT composite of 18 or an equivalent placement test score.

Associate of Applied Science


Credit Hours
First Semester
Class Title Hours
OGP 1113 Safety, Health, & Environment 3
OGP 1133 Introduction to Oil & Gas Prod. 3
OGP 1213 Oil & Gas Operations I 3
OGP 1313 Oil & Gas Equipment I 3
ENG 1113 English Composition I 3
LLS 1311 Orientation 1
Total Hours 16
Second Semester
Class Title Hours
OGP 1324 Oil & Gas Equipment II 4
OGP 1413 Pneumatic Instrumentation 3
OGP 1614 Oil & Gas Systems 4
Social/Behavioral Science Elective 3
Mathematics/Science Elective 3
Total Hours 17
Third Semester
Class Title Hours
OGP 2214 Oil and Gas Production II 4
OGP 2313 Electronic Instrumentation 3
OGP 2513 Oil and Gas Flow Diagrams 3
OGP 2913 OGP Technical Elective 3
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective 3
SPT 1113 Oral Communications 3
Total Hours 19
Fourth Semester
Class Title Hours
OGP 2113 Production Safety Systems 3
OGP 2223 Production Troubleshooting 3
OGP 2914 Special Project in Oil & Gas Prod. 4
Total Hours 10


Portrait of James McKinley for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Jim McKinley

Energy Operations Processes

Program Costs

Program Tuition & Fees
$ 0
Vocational Course Lab Fee$100/semester
Certification Fees$225/semester

Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability Support Services, 601.276.3885 ; Mr. Blake Brewer, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator, 601.276.3717 ; SMCC, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS 39666

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