Practical Nursing

About the Program

CIP 52.0302

The Practical Nursing program prepares the individual to assist in providing general nursing care requiring basic knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological, and sociological science, and of nursing procedures which do not require the substantial skills, judgment, and knowledge required of a registered nurse. This care is performed under the direction of a registered nurse, physician, or dentist.

Graduates of the twelve-month program will be awarded the Certificate of Practical Nursing and may apply for licensure to the Mississippi Board of Nursing. Graduates will be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN).

Students who complete the program requirements, three semesters, as identified by the Mississippi Community College Board, will be eligible to apply for LPN licensure. The graduate of the program functions as a provider of care and a member of a profession. This curriculum references the Client Needs and Integrated Process Categories from the Test Plan for the National Council Licensure Examination for Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses.

Legal Limitations for Licensure as a Practical Nurse:

Information related to applying for licensure to practice as a Licensed Practical Nurse, upon completion of the Practical Nursing Program, is contained in the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law and Rules and Regulations. Graduates must apply to the Mississippi Board of Nursing to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Licensed Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN) ®. Practical Nursing Program applicants should be aware of restrictions regarding who may qualify to write the NCLEX-PN:

cAREER information

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be qualified for, but not limited to, the following careers:

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Portrait of Shelly Easterling for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Shelly Easterling

Practical Nursing
Portrait of Joice McGowan for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Joice McGowan

Practical Nursing
Portrait of Stephanie Greer for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Stephanie Greer

Associate Vice President for Nursing
Portrait of Tangela Edwards for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Tangela Edwards

Practical Nursing
Portrait of Barbara Duncan for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Barbara Duncan

Administrative Assistant to the Associate VP for Nursing

Program Costs

Program Tuition & Fees
$ 0
Vocational Course Lab Fee$100/semester

Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability Support Services, 601.276.3885 ; Mr. Blake Brewer, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator, 601.276.3717 ; SMCC, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS 39666

Academic Pathways

Licensed Practical & Licensed Vocational Nurse

Ready to Enroll? Take Your Best Next Step and Apply to Our Practical Nursing Program Today!
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