Pre-Elementary Education

About the Program

CIP 131202

This program offers students the first two years of a four-year bachelor’s degree in elementary education. Students complete the last two years of a four-year bachelor’s degree in elementary education at participating Institutions of Higher Learning in Mississippi.

Admission Requirements

Earning a regular or standard high school diploma or passing scores on a high school equivalency exam (currently GED®, HiSET®, and TASC™).

Associate of Applied Science


Credit Hours

Course Requirements

Department Required Hours
English Composition 6
Mathematics 9
Speech 3
Laboratory Science 12
Humanities / History 9
Fine Arts 6
Social Science 9
Orientation 1
Literature 6
Endorsement Area 6

Available Courses

English | Speech | Literature
English CompositionHours
ENG1113 English Composition I3
ENG1123 English Composition II3
Required Total6
SPT1113 Public Speaking3
Required Total3
ENG2423 World Literature I3
ENG2433 World Literature II3
Required Total6
Laboratory Science


Laboratory ScienceHours
BIO1111 Principles of Biology1
BIO1113 Principles of Biology3
BIO1121 Principles of Biology1
BIO1123 Principles of Biology3
BIO1131 General Biology I, Lab1
BIO1133 General Biology I, Lecture1
BIO1134 General Biology I4
BIO1141 General Biology II, Lab1
BIO1143 General Biology II, Lecture3
BIO1144 General Biology II4
BIO1513 Principles of Anatomy3
BIO2511 Anatomy & Physiology I, Lab1
BIO2513 Anatomy & Physiology I, Lecture3
BIO2521 Anatomy & Physiology II, Lab1
BIO2523 Anatomy & Physiology II, Lecture3
BIO2921 Microbiology, Laboratory1
BIO2923 Microbiology, Lecture3
BIO1511 Principles of Anatomy1
BIO1524 Principles of Anatomy4
BIO1514 Principles of Anatomy4
CHE1211 General Chemistry I, Lab1
CHE1213 General Chemistry I, Lecture3
CHE1221 General Chemistry II, Lab1
CHE1223 General Chemistry II, Lecture3
CHE2422 Organic Chemistry I, Lab2
CHE2423 Organic Chemistry I, Lecture3
CHE2432 Organic Chemistry II, Lab2
CHE2433 Organic Chemistry II, Lecture3
PHY1111 Basic Astronomy Lab1
PHY1113 Intro to Astronomy3
PHY2241 Physical Science I Lab1
PHY2243 Physical Science Survey I3
PHY2251 Physical Science II Lab1
PHY2253 Physical Science Survey II3
PHY2414 General Physics I4
PHY2424 General Physics II4
PHY2515 Engineering Physics I5
PHY2525 Engineering Physics II5
Required Total12
Humanities | History
HIS1113 Western Civilization I3
HIS1123 Western Civilization II3
HIS1163 World Civilization I3
HIS1173 World Civilization II3
HIS2213 American (U.S.) History I3
HIS2223 American (U.S.) History II3
Required Total
MAT1313 College Algebra 3
MAT1723 The Real Number System3
MAT1733 Geo Measurements & Probability3
Required Total9
Fine Arts
Fine ArtsHours
ART1113 Art Appreciation3
MUS1113 Music Appreciation3
ART1913 Art For Elementary Teachers3
MUS2513 Music For Children3
Required Total6
Social Science
Social ScienceHours
EPY2513 Child Psychology3
GEO1113 World Geography3
PSY1513 General Psychology3
Required Total9
LLS1311 Orientation1
Required Total1
Endorsement Area


Endorsement AreaHours
BIO1011 Principles of Biology1
BIO1113 Principles of Biology3
BIO1121 Principles of Biology1
BIO1123 Principles of Biology3
BIO1134 General Biology I4
BIO1144 General Biology II4
BIO1513 Principles of Anatomy3
BIO1613 Nutrition3
CHE1113 Chemistry Survey, Lecture3
CHE1211 General Chemistry I, Lab1
CHE1213 General Chemistry I, Lecture3
CHE1221 General Chemistry II, Lab1
CHE1223 General Chemistry II, Lecture3
CHE2422 Organic Chemistry I, Lab2
CHE2423 Organic Chemistry I, Lecture3
PHY1113 Intro to Astronomy3
PHY2241 Physical Science I Lab1
PHY2243 Physical Science Survey3
PHY2414 General Physics I4
PHY2424 General Physics II4
PHY2515 Engineering Physics I5
PHY2525 Engineering Physics II5
Required Total6


Portrait of Julie Robison for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Julie Robison


Program Costs

Per Semester
Program Tuition & Fees
$ 0

Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability Support Services, 601.276.3885 ; Mr. Blake Brewer, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator, 601.276.3717 ; SMCC, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS 39666

Academic Pathways


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