Registered Nurse

About the Program

CIP 52.0302

The Generic RN program is a traditional educational program that offers four semesters of nursing courses toward a degree in Associate Degree Nursing. The LPN to RN Transition Program is an accelerated RN program for the LPN who has been practicing for at least one year. Students must be full-time after being admitted into the nursing program. Both program options are taught in a hybrid format meaning a method of delivery in which instruction occurs using both distance and traditional education methods of delivery.

Admission opportunities for the SMCC Associate Degree Generic RN Nursing Program are both Fall and Spring semesters.

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AAS Degree

Admission Requirements

  1. Apply for regular admission and be accepted by Southwest MS Community College, Admissions Office, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS, 39666.
  2. Submit an application to the Associate Degree Nursing Division, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS, 39666, via notarized application.
  3. Submit official transcripts from high school, GED, and/or college for all college courses attempted to SMCC Admissions Office.
  4. A national ACT composite score of at least 18 and grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 calculated using required prerequisite courses for program admission is required.

Model One – Any student with a bachelor’s degree or higher may be admitted without an ACT score.

Model Two – Students without the required ACT composite score must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in the nursing major, including Anatomy and Physiology, with at least a grade of “C” and have a minimum 2.5 GPA before being admitted.

Model Three – Students not meeting Model One or Model Two admission guidelines may be considered for admission with a defined plan to support student success and program completion congruent with current resources

All students are responsible for ensuring that all information pertaining to the admission process is completed by the designated application deadline.

TEAS Information

For those students planning to apply for admission to the LPN to RN Transition and Generic RN Associate Degree Nursing Program, you must take the TEAS as part of the admission process. Time and dates are limited; therefore, early registration is recommended.

Acceptance Criteria

To be considered for acceptance into the ADN program, the applicant’s file in the ADN Office must be complete. Qualified applicants will be considered by the admissions committee on a competitive basis using the following criteria:

  1. TEAS score
  2. GPA of prerequisite courses
  3. ACT composite score
  4. Number of prerequisites taken at SMCC
  5. Residency
  6. Students who are entering a nursing program for the first time.

Students who have an ACT score of 21 or higher, 3.00 GPA on prerequisite courses, and have met all admission requirements may be considered for early admission.

The admission selection process is competitive. Enrollment in any given class is limited, and therefore selection for each class is based on available space, completion of admission requirements, and meeting the prioritized acceptance criteria. Completion of the application process and course work does not in itself guarantee admission to the ADN program.

Criminal background checks including fingerprinting (MS Code Section 43-11-13[5][6][iii]) may deny students access to clinical agencies and disqualify the student from participation in the program. Successful completion of the nursing program with the associate degree in nursing permits this student to submit an application to the National Council Licensure Examination for RN licensure. However, any disciplinary action, arrest, charge, addiction, or impairment may result in denial of licensure as a registered nurse.

Students selected for admission into the ADN program must submit proof of the following items: physical examination; two Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccinations or positive MMR titer; two Varicella (chicken pox) vaccinations or positive Varicella titer; TB skin tests (two-step or documentation of yearly 1 step) or Quantiferon blood test; negative drug screen as specified by the Nursing and Allied Health Substance Abuse Policy; Hepatitis B Vaccine or signed declination statement; Tdap within the last then years; yearly flu vaccination; COVID-19 vaccination (strongly recommended); and a current American Heart Association Health Care Provider course. All items should remain current for the full school year (August – May). Students admitted to any nursing courses must adhere to the current catalog policies and the ADN program of study.

Within two weeks following written notification of the applicant’s admission status, the applicant must present the signed notification letter to the ADN Admission Committee declaring intent to enter the next scheduled class. Failure to comply with this requirement negates the applicant’s priority status and vacancies will be filled based on available class slots using the acceptance criteria.

Associate of Applied Science


Credit Hours
Prerequisite Courses
Class Hours
BIO 2513Anatomy and Physiology I3
BIO 2511Anatomy and Physiology I Lab1
MAT 1313College Algebra or higher3
BIO 2523Anatomy and Physiology II3
BIO 2521Anatomy and Physiology II Lab1
LLS 1311Orientation1
Total Hours12
First Semester
Class Hours
BIO 2921Microbiology Lab1
BIO 2923Microbiology3
ENG 1113English Composition I3
NUR 1109Foundations of Nursing9
Total Hours16
Second Semester
Class Hours
NUR 1210Introduction to Health and Illness Concepts10
PSY 1513General Psychology3
SOC 2113Introduction to Sociology3
Total Hours16
Third Semester
Class Hours
NUR 2110Health and Illness Concepts10
SPT 1113Public Speaking I3
Total Hours13
Fourth Semester
Class Hours
NUR 2210Complex Health and Illness Concepts10
 **Humanities/Fine Arts Elective3
Total Hours13

*BIO 2923, BIO 2921 are prerequisites to NUR 2110.

** Humanities/Fine Arts elective may be selected from history, literature, philosophy, theater appreciation, music appreciation, or art appreciation.


Nursing Advisors

Barbara Walker


Maria Peters


Christa Bacot

Portrait of Sonya Wilson for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Sonya Wilson

Portrait of Lisa Tyson-Lehmann for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Lisa Tyson-Lehmann

Portrait of Victoria Seals for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Victoria Seals

Portrait of ShaDonna Johnson for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

ShaDonna Johnson

Portrait of Rachelle Hackney for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Rachelle Hackney

Portrait of Maranda Guess for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Maranda Guess

Portrait of Leanne Creel for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Leigh Ann Creel

Portrait of Stephanie Busbin for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Stephanie Busbin

Portrait of Dianne Wilkinson for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Dianne Wilkinson

Portrait of Crystal Jordan for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Crystal Jordan


Program Costs

Program Tuition & Fees
$ 0
Vocational Course Lab Fee$100/semester

Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability Support Services, 601.276.3885 ; Mr. Blake Brewer, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator, 601.276.3717 ; SMCC, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS 39666

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