The Student Services Division seeks to enhance student growth and development through providing services and support for students on campus through various departments listed below. The entire team is committed to helping students have the most successful educational experience possible.
The division is composed of Campus Police, Student Housing, Financial Aid, Disability Support Services, Student Activities, Intercollegiate Athletics, and Academic Counseling. Whatever your needs, Southwest is here to provide the tools you need to be successful.
Blake Brewer
Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator
Southwest Mississippi Community College
Kenna Hall
1148 College Drive
Summit, MS 39666
Office: 601.276.3717
Fax: 601.276.3896
Assembly Schedule
Assemblies meet 9:40-10:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and 10:00-10:50 on Tuesdays and Thursday.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
First Period 8:00 – 8:40
Second Period 8:50 – 9:30
Assembly 9:40 – 10:30
Third Period 10:40 – 11:20
Fourth Period 11:30 – 12:10
Fifth Period 12:20 – 1:00
Sixth Period (MW) 1:10 – 2:15
Tuesday, Thursday
A Period 8:00 – 8:50
B Period 9:00 – 9:50
Assembly 10:00 – 10:50
C Period 11:00- -11:50
D Period 12:45 – 2:00
E Period 2:10 – 3:25
Disability Support Services
classroom & Testing accommodations
Disability Support Services assists in determining the classroom accommodations that are most appropriate for students with disabilities based on documentation of their disability. Disability Support Services encourages communication with instructors regarding accommodations. Disability Support Services will provide eligible students with Accommodation Letters regarding their classroom and testing accommodations to give their instructors. Examples of classroom and testing accommodations are varied, but may include: Adapted testing arrangements, extended time on tests, testing in a distraction-free environment, assistance with alternative formats of textbooks, and advocacy with the SMCC Housing Department for help with living arrangements.
Intake Process
- Applications are available at the Disability Support Services office or by clicking on the above links.
- Provide Disability Support Services with documentation of your disability.
- Return or mail the completed application to:
Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability Support Services
Southwest Mississippi Community College,
Kenna Hall-Room 129
Summit, MS 39666
4. Contact Disability Support Services at 601.276.3885 to schedule an intake interview.
Important Notice
Any student that wishes to receive accommodations for a disability must register with the Disability Support Services Office each semester. To ensure timely delivery of accommodations, students are advised to begin the intake process at least six weeks prior to registration for classes.
Contact information
Rhonda Gibson
Director of Disability Support Services
- Kenna Hall-Room 129
- 601.276.3885
- rgibson@smcc.edu

Student Housing
Residence Hall information (Dormitories)
Residence Halls rooms for men and women are available on the campus of SMCC. If a student wishes to reserve a room they must complete a housing application and pay the appropriate reservation fee.
A room reservation form can be downloaded below.
If you have questions about student housing, contact:

Lauren Woodworth
Director of Student Activities & Housing
- 601-276-3732
- lwoodworth@smcc.edu
To Apply For Housing:
The student must log into SMCC.EDU and then to Access Southwest. They will use their 5 digit student ID number and their 6 digit birthday (mmddyy) as their password, click on Housing Information on the left side of the screen and then Housing Application.
The student will then see a pop up screen, they will read it and hit continue. The student will then choose the term (SU2024 or FA2024) and their student information from the admission office will appear.
The student will complete the application by filling in the blanks and choosing specific housing and personal preferences. After submitting the application, a pop up will appear that says pay now.
There is a $150 housing application fee that can be paid from this screen. Once payment is made the application will be sent to the housing department for processing.
Housing Documents
Student Organizations
The Baptist Student Union (BSU) is a campus ministry that is open to all students at SMCC. Our vision is that students know Christ and make Him known. The SMCC Baptist Student Union offers you a place of fellowship, a springboard for missions, and a house for discipleship. From Monday night worship to various small group Bible studies,you can have the opportunity to plug into the Christian community of Southwest Mississippi. We are here to serve and help you. Please feel free to take a few minutes and check out our site for the answer to any questions you may have. Also, feel free to contact us with any. We would love to hear from you. additional questions. We are here to: help you deepen your faith in God support you in the living of your faith join with others in the study of the scriptures help you use your gifts in ministering to others have a meaningful worship experience help you get a “bigger picture of the world” from a Christian perspective develop friendships that become lasting relationships
Trey Hess – 601.276.2012
Phi Theta Kappa was established in 1918 to recognize the outstanding scholastic achievement of community college students. There are over 800 chapters in the United States alone and over 700 four-year colleges and universities offer scholarships to Phi Theta Kappa members. The SMCC PTK Omicron Delta Chapter’s charter date was 1966, which means PTK has had a long history on our campus.
Criteria to join the SMCC PTK Omicron Delta Chapter: To be eligible a student must have a cumulative 3.5 GPA, must have previously earned at least 15 college course hours, must be enrolled in an associate degree program of study in a fall or spring semester, must be a high school graduate (or have passed a high school equivalency exam), and must pay the $95.00 initiation fee (one-time fee) After a student gains membership status, they must maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Benefits of PTK: Receive formal recognition Access to PTK transfer scholarships – *note check with university you are transferring to on GPA requirements and scholarship amounts Leadership development programs Tools to help you transfer to your four-year college/university Support system of like-minded two-year college students, faculty, and administrators.
Dr. Jennifer D. McLaughlin – 601.276.2432
The Student Government Association is the representative body for student government at Southwest Mississippi Community College. Our role as the student government involves dealing with a broad range of issues relating to student life on the campus. We are interested in hearing from students who have recommendations for improving the life of students at SMCC and we are actively involved in many issues on the campus.
Lauren Woodworth – 601.276.3732
Student volunteers selected by faculty to assist with recruitment, orientation, and other promotional events.
Karinlee Brister – 601.276.3849
Tri Beta Biological Honor Society is a national society for college students majoring in biological sciences or interested in the life sciences. A student must have a B average in his/her science courses to be in the honor society.
Dr. Alana Gabler – 601.276.3880
Robin Kuntz – 601-276-3744
Collegiate DECA is a student organization that gives our students the opportunity to reach their career goals as leaders and entrepreneurs. We compete with students across the globe in events related to our major and gain real world experience. This gives us a competitive edge over other college graduates. We network and form relationships that connect us to internships, jobs, other students and friends that last a lifetime. Collegiate DECA motivates us to be academically successful, community oriented, professionally responsible, and experienced leaders. Collegiate DECA provides students with a sense of purpose and the tools to be the best, giving us an experience unlike any other college organization.
Deanna Martin – 601.276.3734
On campus organization that promotes various sporting opportunities including: dodgeball, cabbageball, football, pool, ping pong, and basketball.
Bill Wallace – 601.276.2020
The Student Nurses Organization (SNO) is an organization open to all nursing students. This organization represents both the Mississippi Organization for Associate Degree Nurses (MOSA) and the Mississippi Association of Student Nurses (MASN). A variety of activities are planned by SNO members under the guidance of faculty sponsors. Meetings are held with interesting agendas. SNO sponsors a variety of community projects.
Stephanie Greer – 601.276.3837
Musicians selected to perform as a marching band unit or as a stage band in various shows throughout the year.
Joe Raymond – 601.276.3725
Choral group that performs regularly and show choir made up of selected singers and dancers.
Joe Elliott – 601.276.2003
Campus newspaper published monthly containing news items reported by student staff writers and editors.
Joyce Mabry – 601.276.3843
Campus yearbook with staff members responsible for recording student life and school events.
Joyce Mabry – 601.276.3843

Furthering Education
Student Resources
- Student Handbook 2024-2025
- Spring 2025 Academic Calendar
- Financial Aid
- MCCA Student Complaint Form
- SMCC Campus Police
- Silent Witness Program
- How To Access Your Courses In Canvas
- Getting Started With Cengage Unlimited
- Bookshelf Online Quickstart
- Bookshelf Mac/PC Quickstart
- Bookshelf Support
- Parking Permits Rules & Regulations
- Apply For A Parking Permit
- Excessive Absence Appeal Form
- WEPA Instructions
- WEPA Printer Locations
Alert Media / Weather Alerts
Southwest Mississippi Community College has partnered with AlertMedia to streamline mass communications and deliver important notifications via text, voice, app push, email, and more.
You will receive an email to your SMCC email account within the first two weeks of school to confirm your account.
For additional questions, please contact Blake Brewer bbrewer@smcc.edu or Jeremey Lea jlea@smcc.edu.