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Office of Admissions


The Office of Admissions is responsible for maintaining the records of previous, current, and prospective students of for-credit courses offered at SMCC. Duties include granting requests of transcripts, overseeing process of registration, verifying completion of documents needed for admission, certifying eligibility of student athletes, confirming requirements of graduates, maintaining attendance records, and determining residence status of applicants.

Portrait of Kim Henning for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Kimberly Henning, Ph.D.

Vice-President for Admissions & Records / Registrar
SMCC seal logo

Last Name: A-K

Dana Duncan

Records Analyst
Portrait of Cynthia Ennis for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Last Name: L-Z

Cindy Ennis

Records Analyst

Contact Admissions

To contact the Office of Admissions directly, please call us at 601.276.2001 or email us at admissions@smcc.edu.

If you prefer to fill out a paper application, it MUST be printed, signed, and mailed to the address below.

Southwest MS Community College | Attn: Admissions
1156 College Drive
Summit, MS 39666

Once you complete your application, here’s what to do next:

  • Complete all admissions requirements (required before completing registration)
  • Turn in an official signed high school transcript (must show date of graduation!) and/or any completed college transcripts (cannot state in-progress!)
  • Complete all financial aid requirements
  • Complete dorm room reservations, if living on campus
  • Contact your assigned advisor to schedule a meeting time
  • Schedule your classes with your advisor or counseling center
  • Complete Registration in the Business Office!
  • Visit Student Services for your Student ID and Parking Decal
  • Visit the SMCC Bookstore for any supplies or Southwest Swag!
  • Check back here for calendars and other important information

How To Apply As A Home School Student

  • Apply for Admissions first by visiting www.smcc.edu and click APPLY NOW
  • Submit your final transcript after you graduate with the following information:
    •  School Name and Address
    • Courses taken with grades for each and dates completed for each course
    • Cumulative GPA calculated on a 4.0 GPA grading scale
    • Graduation Date
    • Parent’s or School Principal’s Signature and Date
    • Must be Notarized by a legal notary public if grades are conferred by parent or legal guardian

Enrollment Verification

Verification of enrollment may be obtained by logging into Access Southwest. Alternatively, students may contact the Registrar’s Office directly to obtain enrollment verifications.

Academic ACT Scholarships

All Academic Scholarships are Subject to the Following Student Qualifications:

1. The student must be a full-time student.

2. The student must not have a college degree.

3. The student must have a high school diploma or equivalent.

4. The student must have an overall 3.0 or higher GPA on all college work.

5. The student must not have attended college for more than three full-time semesters.

6. The student must successfully complete at least 12 hours for each semester the scholarship was received.


ACT Scholarship Awards

  • A student with a composite or super composite ACT score of the following:
  • 21 to 24 is eligible for up to a $750 scholarship
  • 25 to 28 is eligible for up to a $1500 scholarship
  • 29 or higher is eligible for up to a $2000 scholarship plus room/board or a commuter meal plan

How Do I Learn More?

Financial Aid Office—Location: Administration Building, 601.276.3707, abrister@smcc.edu

  •  Pell Grants, Scholarships, MTAG, ACT Scholarships, work study, Veteran’s Affairs

Student Services Office—Location: Kenna Hall, 601.276.4810, apittman@smcc.edu

Admissions Office—Location: Administration Building, 601.276.2001, admissions@smcc.edu

  • Admissions, Transcript Requests, Add/Drop Schedule Changes, Admissions Status, Residency, Grade Changes, Change of Major, Address Changes, Enrollment Verifications

Business Office—Location: Administration Building, 601.276.4808, businessoffice@smcc.edu

  • Tuition, Fees, Complete Registration, Registration Status, Specific Fees

Academic Affairs—Location: Administration Building, 601.276.3718, mattc@smcc.edu

  • Academic Classes, Canvas and/or Online Classes, Overload Approvals

Academic Counseling Center—Location: Kenna Hall, 601.276.2005, mjones@smcc.edu

  • Academic Course Advising, Schedule Changes, Withdrawals, ACT Course Placements

Career Technical Counselor—Location: Huddleston Building, 601.276.3722 agayden@smcc.edu

  • Career and Technical Counseling, Advisement, Schedule Changes, Withdrawals

SMCC Bookstore—Location: Student Union Building, 601.276.2006, lcalhoun@smcc.edu

  • Tables, textbooks, supplies, calculators, headphones, SMCC Apparel

Testing and Proctoring Center—Location: Kenna Hall, 601.276.5852, proctor@smcc.edu

Graduation Information

Sophomore students should apply for graduation by one week after the last day to add a course during the semester that the student expects to graduate in a particular program of study to ensure the diploma arrives in time for the commencement exercises. Southwest Mississippi Community College awards the associate of art degree and the associate of applied science degree as well as certificates in certain vocational technical programs.

Graduation Process

  1. Apply for graduation
    1. Make sure all transcripts are on file in the Admission’s Office if you have transfer credits.
    2. Get an advisor to complete an application for graduation.
    3. After the student and advisor have signed the application, turn it in at the Admission’s Office.
  2. Get measured for cap and gown.
  3. Once the degree application has been received, it will be processed according to current grades.
  4. After final grades are posted on transcripts, the degree application will be processed again to determine if requirements have been met. If you do not meet graduation requirements, you will be notified.
  5. Attend graduation practice.
  6. Attend the graduation ceremony.


There will be a graduation meeting and practice session that will explain the graduation ceremony. We encourage you to attend all practices and/or graduation related meetings.

Graduation Honors

Certificate Programs

There will be a graduation meeting and practice session that will explain the graduation ceremony. We encourage you to attend all practices and/or graduation related meetings.

Degree Programs

Students in an Associate of Arts or Associate of Applied Science degree program who attain a cumulative GPA from 3.40 to 3.499 will graduate with distinction; those who attain a GPA from 3.50 to 3.749 will graduate with honors; those who attain a cumulative GPA from 3.75 to 3.999 will graduate with high honors; and those who attain a cumulative GPA of 4.0 will graduate with highest honors.

Those students in a degree program who attain highest honors will receive a silver tray at the graduation ceremony.

Replacement Diploma Request Form

There is not a fee for your original diploma; this is covered in the Student Service fee you pay at the time of enrollment. If you need a replacement diploma, you may purchase an additional copy for a fee. There is not a fee for your original diploma; this is covered in the Student Service fee you pay at the time of enrollment.

If you need a replacement diploma, you may purchase an additional copy for a fee. To request another copy of your diploma, please visit Parchment and login with your Parchment account and request a diploma replacement. There will be a $25 processing fee. If you graduated prior to 2025, please visit Parchment then choose “Southwest  Mississippi Community College”. Then follow the instructions to create a Parchment account and place an order for a diploma replacement. There will be a $25 processing fee.

International Student Checklist

If F1 Visa is required to enter the United States:

  • Southwest Mississippi Community College International Admission Application (use attached document)
  • Affidavit of Financial Support for Southwest Mississippi Community College (use attached document)
  • Supporting Documentation for Affidavit of Financial Support (often a letter from a bank supporting the sponsor listed in the Affidavit of Financial Support)
  • Secondary or college transcripts
  • INCRED evaluation of any foreign transcripts – incredevals.org.
    **MUST INCLUDE the evaluation AND a copy of the transcript(s) evaluated.
  • If English is not the native language of the student, a TOEFL iBT score of at least 61 or a Duolingo score of at least 95. This requirement may be waived for international students who transfer from a regionally accredited university/college within the United States and who have completed English Composition I (1 semester) with a “C” or better.
  • Passport

Dual Enrollment

Are you interested in participating in college classes at your high school? Do you want to get a jumpstart on the completion of a college degree? If so, Dual Enrollment or Dual Credit opportunities might be an option for you.

The purpose of Dual Enrollment and Dual Credit courses is to offer high achieving Junior and Senior high school students within our four-county district (Amite, Pike, Walthall, and Wilkinson Counties) the opportunity to earn college credit toward a post-secondary diploma while enrolled in high school.

All Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit instructors are qualified to teach college classes as determined by Southwest Mississippi Community College. Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit instructors will use the same course description, student learning outcomes, pre-requisites, and textbooks as our traditional campus. There might be Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit classes offered on your high school campus, if not, we offer an array of Dual Enrollment courses online.


  • Submit a Dual Enrollment Application for Admission.
  • Submit your official high school transcript showing
    • (1) a junior or senior in high school and
    • (2) a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale or an ACT composite score of at least 18
  • Submit a Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Recommendation Form by high school counselor or principal.
  • Once Admitted to the Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit courses, students must not drop below a 2.0 college GPA.
  • Students must be advised and review the MS Articulation Transfer Tool (MATT) at matttransfertool.com for courses applicable to their College and Career Pathway.

Dual Enrollment Courses offered through SMCC

General Biology I, English Composition I, English Composition II, College Algebra, College Trigonometry, General Psychology, Introduction to Sociology, Oral Communications, Music Appreciation, World Civilization I and Art Appreciation.

Students wanting to take English Composition I must have an ACT English sub score greater than or equal to 17 to be placed in this class. Students wanting to take College Algebra or Trigonometry must have an ACT Math sub score greater than or equal to 19 to be placed in these classes. Students also have the option to take the Accuplacer at SMCC to test into those classes.

Tuition and Fees for the Fall and Spring Semesters

  • $50.00 per credit hour for all DE/DC Courses plus
  • $110 Course Material Fee per semester

All dual enrollment/dual credit courses are three-hour courses with the exception of General Biology I and General Biology II, which are four-hour courses.

Tuition and fees are set at a different rate for students enrolled in Summer School classes and classes not listed as Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit classes. Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Your first step toward becoming a Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit student is to complete a Dual Enrollment Application for Admission at SMCC. Once your high school counselor submits your official transcript and recommendation form to SMCC, your classes will be added to your SMCC class schedule. Your final step in the process will be to arrange payment of your classes through our business office or through your high school.

If you have questions about Dual Enrollment / Dual Credit, you can contact your high school counselor or:
Portrait of Megan Ivy Jones for Southwest Mississippi Community College in Summit, MS

Megan Ivy Jones

Director of Academic Counseling/Dual Enrollment Coordinator


Southwest Mississippi Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, or disability in its programs, activities or employment practices. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries and grievances regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Rhonda Gibson, Director of Disability Support Services, 601.276.3885 ; Mr. Blake Brewer, Vice President for Student Affairs and Title IX Coordinator, 601.276.3717 ; SMCC, 1156 College Drive, Summit, MS 39666.


Call us at 601.276.2000 or fill out the form below.

"*" indicates required fields

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